view from a train in Norway

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


This last weekend was beautiful, the weather so warm and perfect. Even on the coast, it was warm in a way that it rarely is here in Northern California, a heat so perfect that even the cold of the water couldn't quench it. Driving to work, the hills are hazed in a mist gently glowing from the rising sun. What could be better than fall in California?

Thursday, November 01, 2007


One of the bizarre things about Facebook is that suddenly everyone wants to be your friend. Even people I don't know from Adam have been trying to friend me. Usually I reject these friend requests. But lately they've been coming from people who claim to have gone to high school with me. Some of them I remember, some of them I don't. Some of them are people who I recognize but who I'm sure I've never spoken to in my life. Usually I feel bad about rejecting these requests - we did, after all, go to high school together. Why are all these people suddenly feeling so nostalgic? Is it because we're hurtling toward thirty?