view from a train in Norway

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Ark, Reprised

When you get married, one of the things you have to get used to is how all your friends suddenly become "couple friends." Nearly all of our friends (at least, the ones we've made since we've been married, and not counting the ones who were our friends pre-wedding) come in packages of two. It makes sense, I suppose: everyone works hard, you don't have much time to spend with your spouse/significant other, so when you go out you want to go out together. I know I don't enjoy going out without my husband.

We went out with such a pair of our couple friends a few nights ago, and the couple phenomenon was duly noted amongst the four of us. Our friends then shared that one of the things they often discuss is, should a pair of their couple friends break up and they could no longer keep both of them in their lives, which one they would choose to keep. (It was a little awkward; my husband and I glanced at each other, both of us wondering which one of us they had decided on.) But normally, I don't think it's a tough decision. Even with couple friends, there's almost always one you feel closer to, the one who is the reason for the four of you hanging out together at all, usually the one you met first.

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