view from a train in Norway

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I luv NY

After only three days, we've basically covered the entire island of Manhattan. On foot, no less. (I have the blisters to prove it.) And we're having a phenomenal time. We just got back from Spamalot, which was hysterical. The husband had five hot dogs today, from Gray's Papaya and Papaya Dog, so he's a happy camper. Me, too. (Meaning, I'm also a happy camper, not that I ate five hot dogs. Please.) Both Fashion Week and the U.S. Open are taking place here right now. Fashion and tennis, two of my favorite things in the world.

Having done so much already, it's hard to believe there's more left to come. Opera and jazz and Peter Luger's and hopefully Rent.... We spent a day at the Met, and there are still the Whitney and the Guggenheim and MOMA...and on and on and on. Diehard Californians though we are, I have to admit we've been looking at each other a lot the last three days and saying, "I could live here." Not forever, of course. Probably not even for very long, since there's no real surfing out here. But for a little while. Much as I love California, I have to admit that none of its cities match this one. I'd go so far as to say that there isn't a city in the world that matches this one.

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