view from a train in Norway

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Unbearable Lightness in My Head

Been abusing the caffeine again. I know some people use it every morning to wake themselves up and get them ready to face the day, but it makes me ADD. I've been wasting all kinds of time today, and I blame the coffee. I have this jittery, anxious feeling, like I'm waiting for something...something's about to happen... [Cue music.]

It's a gorgeous day here in the Bay, but I've got to get some work done. Why is it that working for the love of it, rather than working to get paid, feels so much harder? I always thought it would be the other way around.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that whatever it is I'm waiting for, turns out to be a good thing. I've got a case of diet Dr. Pepper calling my name, but I'm staying strong, folks, staying strong.

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