view from a train in Norway

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Boo :(

The surf report today, courtesy of surfpulse:

"It appears conditions are shaping up for yet another day of crummy surf. The good news is, the sun is out, there is no wind to speak of and the temperature is mild this morning. However, the surf is a complete mess, with waves in the 1.5x to 3x overhead range on the outside, slothing around, with no shape or organization to speak of. The inside section is more of the same with head high waves exploding on the the sandbar with no rideable qualities to speak of as well. Overall this morning on a scale of 1 to 10, current conditions get a rating of 0, because it is not rideable out there this morning. That's the report for Saturday morning!"

It's been awhile since there was much surfable. We used to go out even when it was a mess, but after broken boards and injuries sustained, we've sort of gotten lazy about it. It's disappointing though; I was really counting on getting out there today.

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