view from a train in Norway

Monday, May 28, 2007

Anger Management

When is anger justified? When someone hurts you unknowingly? What if they hurt you, not purposefully, but recklessly, knowing that it was likely that you would be hurt by their action but doing it anyway?

I have a reckless friend, who has hurt me over and over again. Not because she wanted to see me hurt, but because she wanted what she wanted, and it didn't matter to her that I might be hurt. Or rather, maybe it mattered, but it mattered less than that she get what she want. Am I selfish to begrudge her? It's not a rhetorical question; I honestly don't know.

It's funny how the world makes room for this kind of person. They are more likely to get what they want than the rest of us, because they're out there pushing for themselves while the rest of us are hanging back. I want things, the way anybody does, but I always have doubts about whether I deserve the thing it is that I want. It must be nice to have no doubts.

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