view from a train in Norway

Monday, May 07, 2007


When I was younger, I frequently had vivid, terrifying nightmares. In college, they were so bad at times that concerned friends would sleep on my floor, or, if they had to stay up studying, would do so in my room, just so they could be there, be a comforting presence, when I woke up in a chilled sweat. Sometimes I would be too frightened to fall back asleep.

I still had incredibly vivid dreams, but, for the most part, the nightmares stopped after I got married. Until now. For the last week or so, nightmares have once again woken me from sound sleep. Upon waking, I find myself contorted into the same strange position each time: both arms bent and thrown up over my head, as though to protect me from some blow. It's an uncomfortable position; my shoulders ache and feel stiff, like they do when they've popped out of joint and I've had to pop them back in.

I don't know what it means. I'm not under a lot of stress, and certainly not as much stress as I've been under in other, nightmare-free days. I haven't been eating funny things before I go to bed (supposing this actually makes a difference to your dreams; I've never spotted a pattern). I wish I knew what was causing them, and how to make them stop.

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