view from a train in Norway

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


As a writer, I don't interact with many people on a day-to-day basis. Some days, I don't leave the house at all and I don't see anyone other than my husband. Friends often ask me if I get lonely, or if I miss having other people around. Sometimes I do miss having coworkers and going out to lunch with people and all that. (Although you have to keep in mind that, at a big law firm, you don't have much time for socializing with your coworkers anyway; most of the time when I was working, I'd be locked up in my office trying desperately to put out all the fires that had sprung up that day. And who ever had time for lunch?)

Mostly, though, I am quite content with things the way they are now. I guess I've just proven to myself how much of a misanthrope I really am: the less I see other people, the less I want to see them. (Friends and family excepted, of course.) It does worry me a little; I don't want to become one of those weirdos that can't talk to other people at all and just sit in a corner at parties and stare. I guess I should force myself to get out more, join some organizations or something and force myself to socialize.

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