view from a train in Norway

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summer days running by

Dinner with a bunch of friends last night, many of whom I haven't seen in a year or more. It was really nice. I'm starting to feel more at peace, with the job, with life in general. I'm so used to thinking of myself as a misanthrope that I underestimate how important it is to have people around you who care about you. I came away from dinner feeling encouraged.

Plus, the weather is just so beautiful, the days still long and lazy, it's hard to be depressed. I do have bad days, bad nights, but I'm getting them under control. It's easier to get out of bed in the mornings; I no longer feel the need to sleep away my days. I've been more productive: took care of paperwork for the new job, put in a drip system for the garden, spent time shopping for friends and friends' babies. Mercenary as it sounds, the best thing about the job is anticipating the paycheck: I love giving gifts, and it's nice to be able to do it without worrying about the bills. Although maybe I'm anticipating the paycheck a little too much, seeing as how I won't actually receive one for another month yet.

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